Tuesday, December 20, 2011

job without a job

                                    hey all , i am back... i know , i know its been long time but better late than sorry...... so all u must be thinking that since my college is over n i have not been here for long so i must be buried under huge piles of work at a top notch MNC..... burning midnight oil lamps meeting the targets and project deadlines to impress my boss..... wow! it almost seems like a hectic schedule one imagines to have after completing education..... n no points for guessing, i also followed the trend of imaging the usual routine........ BUT.... i guess ,since trend setting is so much  embeded into my life, that even if i do the sin of even thinking of usual stuff..... life on its own makes things unusual for me. so many might have got eager to know as to what unusual thing happen to me.... so lemme put u to ease, well it is that i have a "job without a job".
surprised? , confused?  or thinking that i have gone nuts hence i am writing such ambiguous statements.... ( btw i am myself probing  if thats true or not) anyway so actually the scenario is that i did managed to get a job... but somehow the management has no managed to give me appropriate work. first off all i think i am refugee in the company with almost 3 location changes in 4 months, n whats even more amusing is that, i did not get to tarvel n see different places as many of u might be thinking.... rather i was shifted to 3 different locations withing a state itself......in the name of training and head office, n while i was shuffling b/w offices , i did not even  know who actually my boss was.. n when i came to know he was altogether miles apart in southern part of country... hence i had a shuffle in my bosses too..... where everyone was my boss...... it felt like a daily soap could be made named " kaun banega smridhi ka manager" n even after that noone had clue of what role to assign me. after long thought, when they  finally realisd i was there to stay, someone popped up with brilliant idea of giving me the report works... with 100 hundreds of downloads , thousansds of compilation and additons. it seemed ok as  atleast i had some work to do ....... but all fairytale ended when i came to know  that the reports are required only in last week of month n hence my requirement is also in last week of month.....so all i get to do in office is to wait till last week of month ... n stare at my laptop screen thninking that i used think of working...........