Thursday, March 17, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: its hot!!

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: its hot!!: "OK so weather change is here and i have already fallen prey to the viral owing to the sudden weather change... i mean as far as i reme..."

its hot!!

OK so weather change is here and i have already fallen prey to the viral owing to the sudden weather change... i mean as far as i remember...i was wrapped up in my woolens last week...and today m sitting in my cotton t-shirt writing this blog, but besides the weather change what i have also noticed is the sudden change in surroundings and television. with summers round the corner  everything and i mean everything has geared up for the upcoming heat. Now, when u switch on the TV u see that cold cream adds have been replaced by the stupendous range of sunscreens, the itch guard talc rules the TV and even lemon seems to be the king of beverages now.... i mean with all "nimboo pani" ads making frequent rounds on television, one seems to think that ways. but this transition  is not restricted to televisions only...these days when u open up a magazine u will find that  coconut water articles have replaced the green tea ones,  malls have now switched from central heaters to central air conditioner, and girls have shed their sweaters and coats to unleash their colorful floral chiffon dresses.
with everyone adapting to new weather how can our brands and channels stay behind???? so the kids TV channels are making new schemes to en-cash upon the upcoming summer holidays. According to the GM and VP of cartoon network, the channel will be introducing various activities for kids, one of which is an event where in kids will be asked to draw their superhero...and this would mean active participation of kids which  will help in  promoting  the channel...... while the other channels are also not behind...they have all new cartoon series lined up for summers.  Now coming to the brands., then be it electronics, fashion or cosmetics, no one is lagging in this race. while on one side SAMSUNG has planned to increase its AC produce.. the PANASONIC on the other side has launched its all new AC range called CUBA with automatic motion sensory system to aid power saving.even  the cosmetic brands have launched all new range of products designed specially for summers... one of which is the new lemon grass and cucumber sun expert range by LAKME.... and the new refreshing anti-perspirants by Dove. besides this, owing to scorching heat of INDIA, various apparel retailers and manufacturers are also ready to introduce in the market  an all new fabric that keeps the body temperature down by 5 degree and has anti-bacterial properties....seems like everyone is charged up..and no one wants to cool down this summer.....
while talking about summers, how can we forget fresh juices, fruits and soft-drinks? for some the season is like a torture by sun.... but for the soft drink and juice industry, its the time of merry making... so u get  a magnanimous variety of soft drinks and juices lined upon  the shelves of your supermarket only to put you in deli-ma of what to buy and what not to buy.... 
so with so much heat in the market and much more to come by our mighty  sun.... r u ready to get HOT????

Sunday, March 6, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: BUDGET- a hole in pocket again

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: BUDGET- a hole in pocket again: "sorry for being late but i was actually kind of recovering from the BUDGET 2011.... well i know that now a days one shouldn'..."

BUDGET- a hole in pocket again

sorry for being late but i was actually kind of recovering from the BUDGET 2011.... well i know that now a days  one shouldn't get surprised by not so surprising BUDGET but u know i like to think positive. but clearly my positive hopes were very lucidly negated by our FM(finance minister)....hmm FM suites him  as he only talks talks and just talks..... coming to THE BUDGET 2011, again rich remains rich.... poor are shown dreams... and the "aam aadmi" is again treated like nobody....well let me tell u that aam aadmi actually refers to middle class which of-coarse large population of INDIA is.... but our FM seems to have some other definitions to it...wonder who aam aadmi is according to him.
Anyway being a college student what i wanted was a relief from huge service tax in restaurants  that used to create a big hole in our pockets... and of-coarse inexpensive branded clothes..we all love fashion dont we? but hey hey our FM has some other plans... god knows  what came in his mind...n instead of decreasing service tax ..he rather increased it..... i mean what does he want to do with that ...i am sure he is not that think that he could recover his fiscal deficit from increase in service tax will surely  the frequency of people going to restaurants....and anyway what benefit will he get from spoiling our weekends? only he knows!!!  and not only dis.... if any of u had plans of holiday  in GOA for vacations..den hang on a sec...i guess  now most of us have to settle down being at home... coz our "DEAREST FM" has increased tax on airlines either pay a hefty amount for your recreational vacation(although it wont be recreational after that burn in pocket).... or sit at home (much better... isn't it MR FM?)...ok  so dis was about our complains.. but our mom ,dad even our grandparents have complains too(did u listen MR FM when entire family is unhappy..pls tell me..who are the people u made happy?) ok as far as our moms r concerned...there main issue is the food items...i mean already they had gone throat surgeries  for there constant bargain fights with our "sabjiwaala" for all that "aloo pyaas" and with "kirane waala" for sky-high pulse prices...(reminds me of 3 idiot dialogue" paneer to ab itna itna sonar ki dukaan par bikega")   but now thanks to BUDGET even those surgery wont be possible (increased tax on medical treatment) the food price is anyway beyond the question. coming to dad  well their issue is TAX...well TAX is rather issue for everyone.... every one was expecting some slash down in income but like me... everyone's hopes were let down...what they got were peanuts in name of tax exemption.....OUR FM did increased tax exemption....but  just for an eyewash  with only twenty thousand increase from previous value...n ya how can i forget that he did generously increased the tax exemption to 5lakh for people above 80 years..... although the question of how many people in INDIA are above 80 goes unanswered....may be  the FM was referring to veterans in parliament...coz only they are the people of this age slot....becoz as far as my knowledge goes 72% of INDIA's population is below 40..... and even most of senior citizens  are in age group of 60-75.....well again i leave it for our finance minister to decide.... so such was BUDGET 2011 for aam aadmi..... well dere were few treats  for rural population...... but i just hope that doesn't turn out to be a case like giving lollipop and den taking it back...... lets see...what happens... but for me BUDGET  was not even close to relief....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: 15 hr road trip

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: 15 hr road trip: "ok so it was sunday morning nearly 4am( although it was dark) n i was gettng ready...yap heard it right gettng ready..for my long..."

15 hr road trip

OK so it was Sunday morning nearly 4am( although it was dark) n i was getting ready...yap u  heard it right  getting ready..for my longest road mathura...(actually vrindavan)..... well as it was expected... we missed our deadline....anyhow we(me n my family) managed to get in car around 6 am...n here u go the journey begins... although getting up this early is not my cup of i must confess..that the smooth drive... deserted quite roads...were worth  it..... we were all bit lazy  bt still very excited...n kept looking at watch as we were running late..and temple is expected to open around 8.30 am..... den came badarpur...ya  u might be thnkng  dat we might have been struck there badly in chaos n jam,,,, bt to our surprise wat i see is an eye catching amazing flyover(man  nw i realise  hw long it has been since i last visited my cousins in faridabad).. whoa!!  the flyover was quite a surprise..... i mean can u believe  dat within 5min we were through badarpur????? well now u shud start believing that.... now  it was almost 6.30 n we crossed faridabad...n entered kosi....  wow!!n den wat i saw  was spectacular view...  farms  with sunrise...mild cold air...... smooth open national highway......bright yellow sunflowers and fog  playng constantly.. yes  it almost reminds me of my school days poems on seriously all that was just  picture perfect..... see the picture...if u dnt believe me....nd i was so carried away by scenery...dat i started making plans about living in village...and own a farm....(although later on way back  things  were little different)....

now since we started so early   we dint had anything in breakfast..n we all were starving like hell...n den comes our saviour... THE SAGAR RATNA...  yes it was  like oasis in dessert.... n we stopped dere ( anyway we were late  so y nt fill our belly )... although i don't expect much from highway restaurants,,,bt this one was quite an elite restaurant,,,, n up to the reputation of its brand... hmm so i ordered steamy hot upma...n i must say  it was the best breakfast...nt only becoz of becoz of ambiance.....
nw dat we were satisfyingly full...we started our journey....i must say wen road wasn't coming to an end  we almost thought we r off thanks to friendly ppl that we managed to reach vrindavan...
after chaotic "gallis"   we parked our car.... n went over to temple..... well the place took us  way back... into ancient times..narrow roads...small old houses....n den the Divine temple...... the sight of Deity was mesmerizing......  so after darshan we went to gokul...  the "janam bhumi"  of lord krishna..... we saw the actual place where lord krishna stayed in his childhood.... i m nt being religious...but that experience was really gud..n if  nt anything, at least the place takes u down the time lane...back into ancient India.... den we returned n on our way and we saw river yamuna n our super excited driver...made us  say "jaikara"   when we returned from temple...n also advised us to drop coins in river yamuna... as it fulfills wishes...although i am skeptical abt al hey no harm in trying out... so we did throw up coins  n made few wishes...... n clicked photos...n den  again our super excited driver starts with his story like "yamuna kali kyun hai "  and all stories of "laddo gopal" .....
 just wen we were back on way to sis popped up wid idea of gng to govardhan...... well since  we hardly get time to hav such family we said  y nt  visit dat..... bt man  dat was real tiring journey ...almost  60 km... it really exhausted us......  anyhow  we  were coming back  bt nw thngs were different...

nw  we were nt njoyng the trip...n we were eagerly waintg to reach home.... n seriously  this tym  NH2 was as if  extending to infinity....i saw sunsettng...(yes i saw both sunset and sunrise in farms)  bt i was  so tired n overwhelmed by farms  dat i was yearning to get back to my concrete jungle.... dere came a point ... dat i wuld have either plucked my hair  or  the finally we reached home... n had good night  nw that i thnk ...all tiredness feels to b worth it...... it was like a trip from urban to semiurban to rural ....... from modern india  to historic india....