Wednesday, April 27, 2011

lets grow up!

have you ever had a fight over tv remote? m sure everyone must have  had their share of remote fights.. bt in my case its  not just remote fight... but its a world war between the star world and star plus. yes  ever since i switched onto the star world i loved it...i loved the romantic  comedy  classic... "FRIENDS"...  i loved the psycho drama "DEXTER".... but then its not that what you want is what your family want.... n there u go.. it all leads to a fight.  many a times my family asks  me , why i m so much into all these programs.. n y don't i switch to something  "desi" and something like "family serial"... ( i dont know  what that means though!) ... n all i say is that  they r GENZ... n ya  before you litrally bury me  with your accusations.. let me tell you i am not comparing hindi with English.. but i m comparing the content... i mean comeon  we all agree we are living in 21st centuary, we are GENZ -the new age people,  but somehow our Hindi soap operas doesnt seem like they have evolved to a new generation.. rather to me  it looks like they have taken a u-turn back to 19 century. n i mean it !  becoz.. what else  reason can one have to make  programs  where in a father puts a lock on his tv n restricts his children from pursuing co-curricular activities ?  i mean what generation it belongs to?as far as i know, we belong  to generation where  SMART TV, and home learning via TV(the one by tata sky) .. kinda  things  happen..n hello! i never heard of a parent scolding his child for  even thinking of the dancing.. rather i see parents  spending  hefty amounts to get their kids enrolled into activity classes.... so really dnt understand  what the producer of above serial wants... annoy people?  only he knows!  well the one  above is just one example... there is endless list of literally irritating themes.... like say one  promo that was constantly taking rounds  was of  program based on new thinking...  hey hang on.. before  u get excited  lemme first tell u what new  thinking  n revolution this  program is talking about... well its a story about parents  who get annoyed to see their girls wearing jeans... and going out at night. so this story aims  at improving that thnking.....
man! whoever made this serial.. either he delayed his broadcast for  say 100 years.. n he  is launching it now.. or  he has not come out of his house after 1913 or so.... i mean u got to be kidding me ... coz even at my mom's teenage times.. the jeans  were not an objectionable thing... n today ... wen micro-minnis are latest buzz... who will get annoyed of jeans? n the producer talking about night outs?  well we  already hav legalised LIVE IN ...  i hope  this info  doesn't give him a heart!
so this was it... there are  still many  irritating  stuff.. like not being allowed to meet groom before marriage,  child marriage... n blah blah .. but really  i dont have patience  to describe  yet another anachronous  serial.
so all this really puts me into confusion that are people really growing with their thinking.. because  no doubt  some nut heads  dare  to make  such  in-congruent serials.. bt what astonishes  me  is that they manage to have  high TRPs  and  mass audience.. so i ask you  all ,  are we really progressing?... should we really declare our  nation as GENZ? .. THINK ABOUT IT! n while everyone thinks  lemme see my star world... coz if not anything  it saves  me from torture of  "backward thinking" serials n yeah not to forget improves  my fighting  skills  with my sis on remote.. which i m going to have just now!  

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