Monday, February 11, 2013


hey, first of all i am Not DEAD, and secondly,  its not a hat-trick blog on valentine (though my rare bloggings and that too on valentines weeks implictly invokes this feeling.) well today i dont wirte a blog as a college goer, nor a fresh gradute girl. today i write it as a new born lady, trying to fit into the REAL life. yes you heard that right, the REAL Life. now i am not hinting that i am about to reveal any kinda a supernatural story of reincarnation here, but its just that, it is now that i have figured out, how illusionary life was when it started and how parallel it is to the real world where we exisit. there was a time when our life was protected by our parents, it was like an invisible sphere of shield, and we lived in it along with our family and friends with petty issues to fight over. it was indeed magical, coz whenever we wished of something we got it. be it clothes, be it education, gymn classes everything without even bothering for a second that what effort and infact how much effort has gone into it. we were boasted upon by our family, and our little achievemennts were hyped as if we have won the battle of plassey.  we were the kings and queens, lions and lioness, and we thought that we own the world, and that we are the Know-it-all types. there was nothing that we couldn't solve, and if at all there was, we were very much justified and allowed to make all sorts of darma, issues, melodramas and almost any kiddie thing sure enough to embarrass any adult and infact you when you grow up and think over it.

but as they say, you can fly as high as you want, but do stay near the ground, cause when the strong storm of adluthood hits, it hits you hard and slams on right on ground, to face the "ground" realities of life that you have been unaware of throughtout your life. many would ask why i say so , well may be its is not the same for every one, but atleast for me, it is like that .

In your early life you can dream anything, like you can think of having a 12 LPA package rightaway after gradutaion, you can think of buying a great bunglow and a BMW just in 2-3 years of work ex, but it is only when you get down to real work, that you realise how hard it is to fulfill the dreams, it is then, that  you realise how easy it is to dream and how difficult it can be to make it reality.

it is only when you graduate that you realise, that getting a job isnt a cake walk, leave the package aside. it is when you work day and night that you realise, that making your boss happy isnt as easy as making your teacher's happy. you can't create a scene in office (like you used to in college and at home ) when you dont like a person. and most of all, the most hurtful thing of adulthood are that when at once you considered yourself to be the queen and lioness,Now you have to keep your ego at home, coz your bosses and peers dont give a damn on what YOU think of yourself.

hey that was work life... what about personal ???? well it just keeps on getting "better and better". so as soon as you hit your mid twenties, it seems like entire world's sole motive is to get you married. yes, i mean it was just two years back when you were always made shut up saying you were a kid, now all of a sudden people think that you are old enough to get married and take care of responsibilities, and i know its most common with girls ( you know the biological clock crap!.. and blah blah!) but what worsens it is that you just dont have to deal with your BF's, parent's and family's questions but rather you are expected to deal with the cooking, cleaning, household etc etc. i mean why is there such kind of mentality ?? why a full time working girl expected to deal with crocodiles of office, monsters on roads and then be a maid at home.

so much in the name of adulthood, so much to handle, so much to face. and i know this is just a beginning , there is a rough road ahead... but life is to live... and somehow we all will figure out how to grow above all.... but really now i wonder if ever i knew this picture of Life.. i woudnt have told to myself in childhood.... "Hurry! Grow UP... you are missing LIFE."

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