Wednesday, January 19, 2011

go scrabble!!

well remember there were times when we used to gather all together...nd played LUDO, snakes and ladder and scrabble all day long......with zing  as to who wins first ,,,,, or who reachs  finishng line first evn if it requires killing oppnent( i mean nt literally) bt den  came a storm of XBOX.. n PSPs.... which almost wiped  out these games of our life  just like...the million yrs ago..a comet wiped  out dinasaurs....well ocoarse  we cant bring back the dinasaurs...... bt the recent TVC by old school films productions...hav definitely brought about the genesis of  old  times SCRABBLE.  ofcoarse while many of us  in fraction of.  seconds  wud  get turned off by the the advertisement has managed to bring abt fun element and the smart quotient associated  with game.....
ofcoarse  al techno freaks wud strongly call it borng....n dat   the poor board game  stands now where as far as the 3d elemnt, graphics n virtual reality is concerned..... bt i wud  like to put forward a question to all of dem dat  what does  we get out of dat adrenaline rush racing games? wel i'll giv u the answer of  what exactly we  learn from them.... what we learn  is  violence...... social isolation...the loss of sensibility to distinguish b/w fantacy and reality ( i mean we  all know suicidal cases post shaktiman ) and ofcoarse landing  up being couch potatoe......hey hey hey ...b4  my opponents  gets  provoked.... i know  there is  smart technicals and multitaskng  associated  with dem ...... bt  luk at our the recent ad portrays it. where two identical twins  make an excuse for  being late...while  one gets  punishment  the oder manages  to fool trainer  by his word " clinomania" difficult word with simple meaning.... 
so what i m actually sayng here?  hmm the answer is  smart kids  play scrabble..... if  u r nt smart...u tend  to get smart while playng the game as it requires high level of brainstorming....n it also increases ur vocab, n ofcoarse its always fun to dodge ppl with ur IQ n hav ur way out, altleast i feel that it  is  cool. n i can say so becoz  we all know importance of vocab in todays  world n if  a game can give us fun way out to get familier with new  thngs...i thnk its  worth it..... n yes  ofcoarse since  its  in grp we get to b social...n also prove  ourselves to b  superior  to other through our  knowledge............
so for all u guys out dere...go scrabble!!

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