Thursday, January 20, 2011

go for kill!!

many a times...we might hav faced  failure...sometimes  we didnt put in enugh efforts...n sometimes our enough hard work  wasnt that enough......while the failed event is survivable...n for a matter of fact  failures  are  also what is  actually unbearable is being accussed of dat failure. yes havnt u ever given a thought  as to y we r afraid of nt winning?
ans1- it means end of world....naaa we know we know  dere is more to come
ans2- we cant achieve it ever........ no again hard work will one day definately tak us dere....

well the real ans is being accused of that failure......yes facng  ppl ..... n being accused of  nt making it....fear of "ohh what they will thnk of me " is the root  coz of y v r so afraid of failure. thnk of playng  cricket....losng match wont hurt as much as the "u such a loser" look by others will...... ya dere r times  wen ur near n dear ones  try to console u deep down v all hav fear  that one day or oder..... dey will accusse u of  thng  that wasnt  intentional ( i mean  no1 loves to b a loserfaterall)..... one day  they all tend to forget ur efforts, as for world it dsnt  count hw hard  u tried...what matters  is  r u in league or nt...r u winner or nt ( yeah  jo jita  wohi sicunder is actually true to world)...... n after that accusitions  what u r left wid is ... a still more shattered self.... n all dose  consolation seems  to fade out in just few seconds....  so wen we all know  dat dis has to happen...n wen we know  the tables  do turn up at some point of time..... that the accuser  will himself b an accussed  someday, the pointers  will themselves  will b pointed at someday and that after sometime  we all lie  in same should we  actually worry abt wat oders say?  should  we actually spend sleepless night thnkng  abt  what crime  hav i done  by losing?  should  we really bother abt being acussed by someone  who dsnt know  wat future has in store  for him /her? i dnt thnk so .. so get that fear  out  of urself...look ahaed.... the accussers dnt know  that failure  is  ladder to success....its  makes us aware of wat we lack  n helps  us  overcome our  flaws.....n as we know it.....charm of success is to rise  frm failure...... so go rise...go hav ur own rise of atlantis for the world  to see  and  only envy u........go for the kill......

*confessions- b4 writing this blog  i used to held  myself guilty  bt nt anymore... ;)

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