Tuesday, December 20, 2011

job without a job

                                    hey all , i am back... i know , i know its been long time but better late than sorry...... so all u must be thinking that since my college is over n i have not been here for long so i must be buried under huge piles of work at a top notch MNC..... burning midnight oil lamps meeting the targets and project deadlines to impress my boss..... wow! it almost seems like a hectic schedule one imagines to have after completing education..... n no points for guessing, i also followed the trend of imaging the usual routine........ BUT.... i guess ,since trend setting is so much  embeded into my life, that even if i do the sin of even thinking of usual stuff..... life on its own makes things unusual for me. so many might have got eager to know as to what unusual thing happen to me.... so lemme put u to ease, well it is that i have a "job without a job".
surprised? , confused?  or thinking that i have gone nuts hence i am writing such ambiguous statements.... ( btw i am myself probing  if thats true or not) anyway so actually the scenario is that i did managed to get a job... but somehow the management has no managed to give me appropriate work. first off all i think i am refugee in the company with almost 3 location changes in 4 months, n whats even more amusing is that, i did not get to tarvel n see different places as many of u might be thinking.... rather i was shifted to 3 different locations withing a state itself......in the name of training and head office, n while i was shuffling b/w offices , i did not even  know who actually my boss was.. n when i came to know he was altogether miles apart in southern part of country... hence i had a shuffle in my bosses too..... where everyone was my boss...... it felt like a daily soap could be made named " kaun banega smridhi ka manager" n even after that noone had clue of what role to assign me. after long thought, when they  finally realisd i was there to stay, someone popped up with brilliant idea of giving me the report works... with 100 hundreds of downloads , thousansds of compilation and additons. it seemed ok as  atleast i had some work to do ....... but all fairytale ended when i came to know  that the reports are required only in last week of month n hence my requirement is also in last week of month.....so all i get to do in office is to wait till last week of month ... n stare at my laptop screen thninking that i used think of working...........

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: lets grow up!

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: lets grow up!: "have you ever had a fight over tv remote? m sure everyone must have had their share of remote fights.. bt in my case its not just remote f..."

lets grow up!

have you ever had a fight over tv remote? m sure everyone must have  had their share of remote fights.. bt in my case its  not just remote fight... but its a world war between the star world and star plus. yes  ever since i switched onto the star world i loved it...i loved the romantic  comedy  classic... "FRIENDS"...  i loved the psycho drama "DEXTER".... but then its not that what you want is what your family want.... n there u go.. it all leads to a fight.  many a times my family asks  me , why i m so much into all these programs.. n y don't i switch to something  "desi" and something like "family serial"... ( i dont know  what that means though!) ... n all i say is that  they r GENZ... n ya  before you litrally bury me  with your accusations.. let me tell you i am not comparing hindi with English.. but i m comparing the content... i mean comeon  we all agree we are living in 21st centuary, we are GENZ -the new age people,  but somehow our Hindi soap operas doesnt seem like they have evolved to a new generation.. rather to me  it looks like they have taken a u-turn back to 19 century. n i mean it !  becoz.. what else  reason can one have to make  programs  where in a father puts a lock on his tv n restricts his children from pursuing co-curricular activities ?  i mean what generation it belongs to?as far as i know, we belong  to generation where  SMART TV, and home learning via TV(the one by tata sky) .. kinda  things  happen..n hello! i never heard of a parent scolding his child for  even thinking of the dancing.. rather i see parents  spending  hefty amounts to get their kids enrolled into activity classes.... so really dnt understand  what the producer of above serial wants... annoy people?  only he knows!  well the one  above is just one example... there is endless list of literally irritating themes.... like say one  promo that was constantly taking rounds  was of  program based on new thinking...  hey hang on.. before  u get excited  lemme first tell u what new  thinking  n revolution this  program is talking about... well its a story about parents  who get annoyed to see their girls wearing jeans... and going out at night. so this story aims  at improving that thnking.....
man! whoever made this serial.. either he delayed his broadcast for  say 100 years.. n he  is launching it now.. or  he has not come out of his house after 1913 or so.... i mean u got to be kidding me ... coz even at my mom's teenage times.. the jeans  were not an objectionable thing... n today ... wen micro-minnis are latest buzz... who will get annoyed of jeans? n the producer talking about night outs?  well we  already hav legalised LIVE IN ...  i hope  this info  doesn't give him a heart attack....lol!
so this was it... there are  still many  irritating  stuff.. like not being allowed to meet groom before marriage,  child marriage... n blah blah .. but really  i dont have patience  to describe  yet another anachronous  serial.
so all this really puts me into confusion that are people really growing with their thinking.. because  no doubt  some nut heads  dare  to make  such  in-congruent serials.. bt what astonishes  me  is that they manage to have  high TRPs  and  mass audience.. so i ask you  all ,  are we really progressing?... should we really declare our  nation as GENZ? .. THINK ABOUT IT! n while everyone thinks  lemme see my star world... coz if not anything  it saves  me from torture of  "backward thinking" serials n yeah not to forget improves  my fighting  skills  with my sis on remote.. which i m going to have just now!  

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: sop for life... can we define it??

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: sop for life... can we define it??: " when i was a kid i wanted to be painter, when i voluntarily provided acupuncture massage to my mum she wanted me t..."

sop for life... can we define it??

when i was a kid i wanted to be painter, when i voluntarily provided acupuncture massage  to my mum she wanted me  to be a physiotherapist, when i grew up n read about the respect given to professionally qualified ones.... i wanted  to be an engineer, in mid way of engineering a storm of monetary greed hit me and i wanted  to be rich , now that i am an engineer stabbed by the reality behind it.... i want my childhood creativity back.... so i want to be a painter..... lol! no wonder they say world is  round.....but  then this clearly states  how vision changes
well such is life dearies at times..... you really spend your entire  life  trying to figure out  what exactly u want out of it.. n all u see is.. its always  life  getting  out something  from you. people say define your path..... but can we really define  our  path? how many  times  have you been asked in an interview  to define your  life path ?  i mean quite a lot of times.... be it  universities, be it colleges , be it job...people  sometimes  get down to asking u to pen down the years and  the position u would  uphold  at that time.... but tell me one thing  if  we could  pen down that and  it all tends  to be true.. then m sure  it wont  be difficult for us  to pen down our  death date as well... isn't it?coz den this is  also a milestone  rather  the last milestone  of our  life... but somehow  then we afford  to choose a safe answer- life  is unpredictable, haah! when its  unpredictable, den y r we asked to predict it? isn't it  a weird  irony ?  i do not  say that my case  is a perfect reason for me to argue..  u can call me  indecisive, or fickle minded.... but then it subtly specifies.. that with time  and with age  priorities  change.... so if a person at present  wishes  to be  a rich... doesn't mean he would  be want the same  10 yrs  later..  if  a person wants to own a firm at present... doesn't mean he would never agree to a become CEO for someone else's  firm...
so tell me can we really define  our  vision ? can we really pen down  our life path... n even if  we do... will it always hold truth? think about it....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: the chamions of world--- india

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: the chamions of world--- india: " ..."

the chamions of world--- india

cricket in INDIA is religion, sachin tendulkar is god, and what else a cricket disciple  in India could have asked for than a cricket world cup trophy? i guess nothing!! n hence they got it. last night as we all know it was the historic night of 21st century, the historic event that will make the day 2nd April 2011, to be remembered by world forever, yes India won the world cup 2011, it was India that caught its hand on the 11 kg gold and silver world cup trophy and walked away with glory and  unstoppable applause.
the winning was not just a dream for the Indian cricket team but for entire nation....the people who stopped everything just to watch  the world cup........the people who prayed dutifully and selflessly for the Indian team, the people who showered all their blessings to the team....the world cup belongs to those Indians . It goes without saying that cricket madness in India is unmatchable, the nation used to halt at the strike of 2:30 pm on the clock, and the eyes of one billion population and many more outside the country used to stick to the television, LCD and almost anything anywhere collectively  just to watch biggest tournament.  you  go anywhere in the country, n  you couldn't have escaped the cricket fever..... be it gyms, be its pubs, be it malls, be it offices.. the world cup was everywhere.... well i can say so  coz i remember the LCD screen to be installed specially for cricket fans in our college fest....n i tell u the 21 inch screen had a way more audience than a 21 square meter stage......... such is the cricket for us......bigger than any blockbuster film...and better than any college fest!!! nothing can beat it...... it gives you such adrenaline rushes  and a heart sinking moments  that  not even a jump from 11 floor of building would give... i mean just remember......... didn't u got a heart attack when sehwag got lbw on his first ball in final?  and didn't  u run and shout like crazy when we won the world cup..... i m sure u did! and not to forget our Indian team... whether u love them or hate them,  whether u accuse them  or defend them............ they are the world champions and now the world agrees with it now, i always  had  a belief than Indian team has full potential if  they learn to use their skills  properly  and this time they did it...they did it and they proved  it.....that they r winners.. they are champions...........and  while saying this i am reminded of a line from our  bollywood film...."jo jeeta wohi sikander"...n today i agree with it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: its hot!!

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: its hot!!: "OK so weather change is here and i have already fallen prey to the viral owing to the sudden weather change... i mean as far as i reme..."

its hot!!

OK so weather change is here and i have already fallen prey to the viral owing to the sudden weather change... i mean as far as i remember...i was wrapped up in my woolens last week...and today m sitting in my cotton t-shirt writing this blog, but besides the weather change what i have also noticed is the sudden change in surroundings and television. with summers round the corner  everything and i mean everything has geared up for the upcoming heat. Now, when u switch on the TV u see that cold cream adds have been replaced by the stupendous range of sunscreens, the itch guard talc rules the TV and even lemon seems to be the king of beverages now.... i mean with all "nimboo pani" ads making frequent rounds on television, one seems to think that ways. but this transition  is not restricted to televisions only...these days when u open up a magazine u will find that  coconut water articles have replaced the green tea ones,  malls have now switched from central heaters to central air conditioner, and girls have shed their sweaters and coats to unleash their colorful floral chiffon dresses.
with everyone adapting to new weather how can our brands and channels stay behind???? so the kids TV channels are making new schemes to en-cash upon the upcoming summer holidays. According to the GM and VP of cartoon network, the channel will be introducing various activities for kids, one of which is an event where in kids will be asked to draw their superhero...and this would mean active participation of kids which  will help in  promoting  the channel...... while the other channels are also not behind...they have all new cartoon series lined up for summers.  Now coming to the brands., then be it electronics, fashion or cosmetics, no one is lagging in this race. while on one side SAMSUNG has planned to increase its AC produce.. the PANASONIC on the other side has launched its all new AC range called CUBA with automatic motion sensory system to aid power saving.even  the cosmetic brands have launched all new range of products designed specially for summers... one of which is the new lemon grass and cucumber sun expert range by LAKME.... and the new refreshing anti-perspirants by Dove. besides this, owing to scorching heat of INDIA, various apparel retailers and manufacturers are also ready to introduce in the market  an all new fabric that keeps the body temperature down by 5 degree and has anti-bacterial properties....seems like everyone is charged up..and no one wants to cool down this summer.....
while talking about summers, how can we forget fresh juices, fruits and soft-drinks? for some the season is like a torture by sun.... but for the soft drink and juice industry, its the time of merry making... so u get  a magnanimous variety of soft drinks and juices lined upon  the shelves of your supermarket only to put you in deli-ma of what to buy and what not to buy.... 
so with so much heat in the market and much more to come by our mighty  sun.... r u ready to get HOT????

Sunday, March 6, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: BUDGET- a hole in pocket again

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: BUDGET- a hole in pocket again: "sorry for being late but i was actually kind of recovering from the BUDGET 2011.... well i know that now a days one shouldn'..."

BUDGET- a hole in pocket again

sorry for being late but i was actually kind of recovering from the BUDGET 2011.... well i know that now a days  one shouldn't get surprised by not so surprising BUDGET but u know i like to think positive. but clearly my positive hopes were very lucidly negated by our FM(finance minister)....hmm FM suites him  as he only talks talks and just talks..... anyways...so coming to THE BUDGET 2011, again rich remains rich.... poor are shown dreams... and the "aam aadmi" is again treated like nobody....well let me tell u that aam aadmi actually refers to middle class which of-coarse large population of INDIA is.... but our FM seems to have some other definitions to it...wonder who aam aadmi is according to him.
Anyway being a college student what i wanted was a relief from huge service tax in restaurants  that used to create a big hole in our pockets... and of-coarse inexpensive branded clothes..we all love fashion dont we? but hey hey our FM has some other plans... god knows  what came in his mind...n instead of decreasing service tax ..he rather increased it..... i mean what does he want to do with that ...i am sure he is not that dumb...to think that he could recover his fiscal deficit from this...as increase in service tax will surely  the frequency of people going to restaurants....and anyway what benefit will he get from spoiling our weekends? only he knows!!!  and not only dis.... if any of u had plans of holiday  in GOA for vacations..den hang on a sec...i guess  now most of us have to settle down being at home... coz our "DEAREST FM" has increased tax on airlines too...so either pay a hefty amount for your recreational vacation(although it wont be recreational after that burn in pocket).... or sit at home (much better... isn't it MR FM?)...ok  so dis was about our complains.. but our mom ,dad even our grandparents have complains too(did u listen MR FM when entire family is unhappy..pls tell me..who are the people u made happy?) ok as far as our moms r concerned...there main issue is the food items...i mean already they had gone throat surgeries  for there constant bargain fights with our "sabjiwaala" for all that "aloo pyaas" and with "kirane waala" for sky-high pulse prices...(reminds me of 3 idiot dialogue" paneer to ab itna itna sonar ki dukaan par bikega")   but now thanks to BUDGET even those surgery wont be possible (increased tax on medical treatment)....so the food price is anyway beyond the question. coming to dad  well their issue is TAX...well TAX is rather issue for everyone.... every one was expecting some slash down in income but like me... everyone's hopes were let down...what they got were peanuts in name of tax exemption.....OUR FM did increased tax exemption....but  just for an eyewash  with only twenty thousand increase from previous value...n ya how can i forget that he did generously increased the tax exemption to 5lakh for people above 80 years..... although the question of how many people in INDIA are above 80 goes unanswered....may be  the FM was referring to veterans in parliament...coz only they are the people of this age slot....becoz as far as my knowledge goes 72% of INDIA's population is below 40..... and even most of senior citizens  are in age group of 60-75.....well again i leave it for our finance minister to decide.... so such was BUDGET 2011 for aam aadmi..... well dere were few treats  for rural population...... but i just hope that doesn't turn out to be a case like giving lollipop and den taking it back...... lets see...what happens... but for me BUDGET  was not even close to relief....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: 15 hr road trip

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: 15 hr road trip: "ok so it was sunday morning nearly 4am( although it was dark) n i was gettng ready...yap heard it right gettng ready..for my long..."

15 hr road trip

OK so it was Sunday morning nearly 4am( although it was dark) n i was getting ready...yap u  heard it right  getting ready..for my longest road trip...to mathura...(actually vrindavan)..... well as it was expected... we missed our deadline....anyhow we(me n my family) managed to get in car around 6 am...n here u go the journey begins... although getting up this early is not my cup of tea...bt i must confess..that the smooth drive... deserted quite roads...were worth  it..... we were all bit lazy  bt still very excited...n kept looking at watch as we were running late..and temple is expected to open around 8.30 am..... den came badarpur...ya  u might be thnkng  dat we might have been struck there badly in chaos n jam,,,, bt to our surprise wat i see is an eye catching amazing flyover(man  nw i realise  hw long it has been since i last visited my cousins in faridabad).. whoa!!  the flyover was quite a surprise..... i mean can u believe  dat within 5min we were through badarpur????? well now u shud start believing that.... now  it was almost 6.30 n we crossed faridabad...n entered kosi....  wow!!n den wat i saw  was spectacular view...  farms  with sunrise...mild cold air...... smooth open national highway......bright yellow sunflowers and fog  playng constantly.. yes  it almost reminds me of my school days poems on villages...bt seriously all that was just  picture perfect..... see the picture...if u dnt believe me....nd i was so carried away by scenery...dat i started making plans about living in village...and own a farm....(although later on way back  things  were little different)....

now since we started so early   we dint had anything in breakfast..n we all were starving like hell...n den comes our saviour... THE SAGAR RATNA...  yes it was  like oasis in dessert.... n we stopped dere ( anyway we were late  so y nt fill our belly )... although i don't expect much from highway restaurants,,,bt this one was quite an elite restaurant,,,, n up to the reputation of its brand... hmm so i ordered steamy hot upma...n i must say  it was the best breakfast...nt only becoz of taste..bt becoz of ambiance.....
nw dat we were satisfyingly full...we started our journey....i must say wen road wasn't coming to an end  we almost thought we r off track..bt thanks to friendly ppl that we managed to reach vrindavan...
after chaotic "gallis"   we parked our car.... n went over to temple..... well the place took us  way back... into ancient times..narrow roads...small old houses....n den the Divine temple...... the sight of Deity was mesmerizing......  so after darshan we went to gokul...  the "janam bhumi"  of lord krishna..... we saw the actual place where lord krishna stayed in his childhood.... i m nt being religious...but that experience was really gud..n if  nt anything, at least the place takes u down the time lane...back into ancient India.... den we returned n on our way and we saw river yamuna n our super excited driver...made us  say "jaikara"   when we returned from temple...n also advised us to drop coins in river yamuna... as it fulfills wishes...although i am skeptical abt al this...bt hey no harm in trying out... so we did throw up coins  n made few wishes...... n clicked photos...n den  again our super excited driver starts with his story like "yamuna kali kyun hai "  and all stories of "laddo gopal" .....
 just wen we were back on way to home..my sis popped up wid idea of gng to govardhan...... well since  we hardly get time to hav such family outing...so we said  y nt  visit dat..... bt man  dat was real tiring journey ...almost  60 km... it really exhausted us......  anyhow  we  were coming back  bt nw thngs were different...

nw  we were nt njoyng the trip...n we were eagerly waintg to reach home.... n seriously  this tym  NH2 was as if  extending to infinity....i saw sunsettng...(yes i saw both sunset and sunrise in farms)  bt i was  so tired n overwhelmed by farms  dat i was yearning to get back to my concrete jungle.... dere came a point ... dat i wuld have either plucked my hair  or  the field..bt finally we reached home... n had good night sleep....bt  nw that i thnk ...all tiredness feels to b worth it...... it was like a trip from urban to semiurban to rural ....... from modern india  to historic india....

Monday, February 21, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: TIK-TOK TIK-TOK

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: TIK-TOK TIK-TOK: "TIK-TOK, TIK-TOK, TIK-TOK..... ok so i am nt being a 1920 ghost....well dats what runs in my mind all the time...tik-tok... tik-tok... i se..."


TIK-TOK, TIK-TOK, TIK-TOK..... ok so i am nt being a 1920 ghost....well dats what runs in my mind all the time...tik-tok... tik-tok... i see the clock tikking evry second.... and wonder...wen will 2.0 pm would turn into 2.30... and wen will 2.30 move to 3.0....hmm before u start thnkng  i must tell u ...i dnt count as i m eagrly waitng for some evening date..rather...i count time...coz  i hav nothng else to do...yes its true.... n being idle is worst thng,...its like a prisoner who counts evry second..before being hanged.... well ya  although m nt being hanged bt i almost feel like a prisoner...with most of the time sittng at home...n thnkng wat to do..... well ya  i know its temporary phase..bt most tourturing..... now u must be wondering y i m so idle? the answer is..dat my clg is abt to over...and most of the time is at home...all competetion exams are over.... n after all those studies...sleepless night...dere is sudden stillness which is almost unbearable.. seriously i wonder we human s  cant be satisfied... wen i was busy from head to toe...i wanted a break terribly...now that i m idle....i want to work desperately....... i mean how many movies can u see in a day.... (not to forget that i had to see 2 more movies to get out of after effect of 7 khoon maaf:))......n also idle state brings on all the anxiety of future...like will i do job or will i study..... will this happen or dat... u know "khali dimaag shaitaan ka ghar"   i feel dats true....anyways...so lets hope rather wish dis boring time to end soon nd till den...TIK-TOK  TIK-TOK TIK-TOK......keep ticking.....;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

small wonder in gym!!!

hello all....well as it might be very prominent from my last blog that my current status is nt so good...n m havng my gloomy days.... so after being engulfed in all worries...and almost derogating myself for being still single.... i thought of joining a gym.....well i must say  dat it is nt an overnight idea....i hav been thnkng abt it from quite a long tym.... bt i guess  i needed one driving force.... so here i m at BMW ( lols! well here bmw is body muscle building). well i hav never been a gym person....  i alway preferred home work out..so i was bit skeptical abt gym and its culture..... on one side  gym was reason for socialising and on other side it was reason for my fear of socialising... confused?????   well ya  that my quality to confuse....

 hmm anyway talking further what i mean is... i ws bit scared abt the crowd... n huge monster like figures... well no offence to body builders...bt this body building  sometimes  goes to extreme of over building....i m sure u know  wat i mean ....... ok so with all presumptions n bit of nervousness...i went to my gym....well for first 5 min  i wandered  to search for receptionist...while beainrng  the look ppl gave me( it was similar to what Alice might hav got from wonderland's citizen:) )  hmmm so finally she comes in rush .... sends me to trainer......
nd again  the trainer  was  like  do i hav to train school kid???
i mean hello.... i know  it feels gud dat u luk young...bt its  kinda terrible to b treated as kid...wen actually u r at verge of graduating....
so den started my session...10min walk...5 min run.... den cycling...twisting....stepping... exercising  n wat nt.... i must say  i was bit overexcited in dng evrythng  so after each set i was following my trainer  almost like his  tail  to ask  wat next..... u know  i do tend  to behave  like kid...lols!......   n den  wen  i refused to giv up...my trainer  finally called of the day  after one hr  session.... n dose huge monsters almost gave me a grin ... something like " we will see u tomorrow"....   hmm so dat was my day to overcome stress...lets c wat happens  tomorow......

Sunday, February 13, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: traumatic valentine

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: traumatic valentine: "valentines day round the corner..n u can see love all around....... every one is into each oder...evry one is partyng.... evry one is havng ..."

traumatic valentine


valentines day round the corner..n u can see love all around....... every one is into each oder...evry one is partying.... evry one is havng fun with their partners.... and suddenly u realise...u are only soul left single on dis planet.... all ur frnds  go busy with their partners.....  evry day u go to clg  u see flowers being exchanged..... plans of proposing sum1 being discussed...and to sprinkle salt on ur wound... ppl come up to u  for all dat discussions... and it kinda worsen ur situation.
it triggers  a desperation in u , something like a  need to hav sum1 in life.....u  feel like being  with sumone...u feel lyk talking to sum1... u thnk of picking up phone n den u realise  ur frnds  might  b busy wid their beaus..... u thnk of indulging into shopping....bt den u hav no company....n even if u manage to go to mall u see hearts all arnd.. couples all around...
it sumtyms gets frustrating....n all worries  and tensions of lyf start to shadow ur thought procedure... u realise  u hav no job..... a job dats  nt worth mentioning..... ur frnds  r jsut for namesake..... ur love life sucks... and den u start to analyse y u didn't manage to hav a bf.....
phew!!!  u feel a kind of shell has been made arnd u .... n u try to cum out of it... u develop a crush on sum1... bt ur ego is too big to ask him...n he seems not interested..... well a confuse state of mind.. is all u r left with.....  god!!!  has anyone ever thought  that a day of love  can sumtyms b the reason of  sumone's trauma?  has any1 wondered that single valentine day...can create such a big issue  to sumeone?   thnk abt it!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


yesterday night  somewhere around 12:15 am i was gettng too bored...so i thought  y nt see a movie......n den a dvd of film guzaarish caught my eye... although i was bit skeptical abt the movie...n thought that movie session wont last more dan 30 min ....bt to my surprise it was a real gem.....
i wasnt  big fan of black..... nor did i ever understand the works of sajay leela bansali...bt dis one i would call was nt just a masterpiece by him...bt also the most meaningful movie ever made in bollywood's history.....
n i should say that for the first time...i didnt found any " desipan"  in a bollywood movie...kudos to SLB for dat....
EUTHANASIA or more commonly known as mercy killing...is the main idea of the film..... bt wat  makes it different is the request of euthanasia by a quadriplegic himself....... what i loved was that it wasnt about the depression faced by quadriplegic....and the feeling of  ohh i cant run and play..... bt it reflected the frustation of and the suffocation of nt being capable of dng the most basic thngs in life..... 
yes thats  wat makes it stand out.....  there is one scene  which shows a fly constantly irritating the actor.....n the protagonist can't get it off his nose..nd ultimatley settles down deriving pleasure in that irritation..... well while it may sound just an incident...bt thats  a small incident sayng it all...........
another thng that  touched me was ......a night seen  wen the protagonist was sleepng.....and  then his cieling begins to leak....... he calls for help bt evryone was in sound sleep...n he lay dere all night  drenchng drop by drop in cold water... .. dere just one more incident  when a very carng nusrse nd a lover is beaten up in frnt of him...n he cudnt  move a limb...al he had was pain in eyes..... and painfull plea in his words........ dats what film is abt.......dats wat  is being conveyed by the film......the unability to do the most basic thngs in life.....thats what  brings in the feeing of being  handicap in a very strong way to us.....dats the suffering  the protagonist pleas to gets rid off....it nt abt nt being able to enjoy life.....its abt nt being able  to be independent........ nt being able to protect a loved one from violence...nt being  able  to even scratch ur nose........ dats  why  it is called mercy killing.......which says to world....please  shown me some mercy...please kill me......... please end my suffering and suffocation......... please release me from a life long imprisonment of dis quadriplegic body.......... please kil me....................
so i ask evryone out there  and the jurisdiction system.....dat wen we hav right to giv capital punishment to someone who brought sufferings to oder's life....... den y cant we end  some's suffering  by granting  him permission of his own death...... do we hav right  to make some1's life hell?....n do we hav right of controlling som1 else's life?........thnk abt it......

Monday, January 24, 2011


india... full of colors.... where peple hav versatile tastes....versatile choices.......different trends...different sense of style...bt wats in common? well dats the "desipan"  (indianness).... yes where ever we go...watever we wear....  whichever cusine we try..... anythng we speak...... evrythng has a "tadka" of our "desi"  style.
hmmm its nt dat we hate authenticity or we dnt wanna incorporate lifestyles from all over the world...bt as much as we love adapting new thngs....we also love mending them to suit our indian style and sensibility. just imagine lets say  a  chinese cuisine, mouth waterng  isnt it? bt wat actually comes into our mind wen we  thnk of it is  our punjabi style spicy chinese.... n hwsoever  ppl may deny it...bt deep down  wat our taste buds relish is the spicy indianised chinese loaded with sauces...... well chinese cuisine  is just example...hav a look at  pizza hut..... which wen launched  had only classical pizzas...which acc to us  was  blan.....n we indians  refused to hav such "tasteless" pizza...... so the outcome is that...now wen u goto  pizza hut  there  is all "teekha paneer tikka pizza" , "tandoori chicken pizza" n many more...even our  KFC has launcehd  all new  hot chicken wings...considering indian taste buds in mynd..........
 bt our " desipan" is nt limited to food only......well we all love shoppng and  wen it comes to cloths hands  down to it no1 can beat us..... while we all like western clothes......bt still we fynd  the colors  n the cuts  bit borng and basic.... so our designers put their efforts in creatng wat we call is indianised fusion clothng..... even recent fashion week displayed  indian block printing and bandhni tie n die technique inculcated into western wear quite intrestngly..... and with some bling to it..... coz  we all know...we love bling!
talkng abt bling.....the first thng dat pops into my mind is indian weddng......welll on dis  even critics  wud agree that indian marriages r none less than a grand pompous award funtions.......  we dnt like simple weddings.....we hav loud music..... loud colors..... over the top bling!  n almost evrythng u can imagine....... while on one side of world...dere is simple marriage  at church with simple clothng....here on oder hand we like to  hav a larger than life affair....with all glittery bride..... nd even more colourfull guests...... n so on ...... i can keep on writing  abt it...bt it wnt end....so such is our sensiblity......... n if all dis  was not  enough  we hav our very own desi version of hollywood n yes u guessed it  its  bollywood......
hmmmm so movies  r like bestest tym pass.....n movie stars  are like our role model....n we can't imagine an indian movie without  a song....... n if its item number den it just gets  even better..... i mean who cares  whether "tees maar khan or dabbang"    did well at box ofice or nt...as long as "munni and shiela"   item numbers r dere we dnt care....its nt dat we dnt like movie  with meaningful content...bt we want out share of desi entertaimnment  in dat too.............well n lastly the biggest example of our desi modification is our hinglish..... yes we like english we want to fluant english bt ofcoarse  nt without a twist.... we want out national language hindi to b part of dis english too...so wat we hear today are words like...."pataofyng"(impressing)... bhunofyng(roastng) n many more...so such are we indian........ so it proves  dat in the nd  we all are indians at heart and it wnt b wrong in sayng dat ..wen u got to do it...do it desi......

Saturday, January 22, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: corruption at its best!!!

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: corruption at its best!!!: "inflation and corruption...seems to b quite familiar words to us nowadays....... evryday we hear of rising food prices......."

corruption at its best!!!

inflation and corruption...seems  to b quite  familiar words to us nowadays....... evryday we hear of  rising food prices...... scams and  scandals......sometimes  bank fools  ppl and  sometimes ppl fool bank........and  if dats nt  enugh sometimes  both tend to fool each oder...yes such is our new millenium....full of scams.....where on side the govt is busy gatterng its  scatterred pieces  prestige which is  ruthfully punctured  by scams......and on the oder  side dere r brainstormers who are fynding  their ways  out  to completely wipe off the indian capital......and to support this  what oder possible example can it b besides  the recent $500 billion indian  black money scam.....
yes  shocking  bt true.....such is life...where on  one side  the poor and middle  class is  dealing with  petty issues of inflation and corruption ..the oder side has mangnanimous report unleashed in which a former swiss bank employee revealed 50 indian names holding accounts bearng tax evaded money to govt of india....clearly dis  much money would  hav been sufficient  to tackle  all indian economy problem...if of coarse it wud  hav actuaaly been utilised in way its meant to b ....( coz  we know  even if govt has money .....it still dsnt reach ppl ) anyway so such is the level of conspiracy  gng on dese days.....n we say that  we havnt progressed?....well the above news shows that  we hav  definately progressed way beyond imagination as far as scams r concerned..... anyway  cumng back to recent  biggest scam.....a petetions has been filed to reveal names to public..bt as expected  our  lazy worthless govt has issues  with that too......
bt nt evryone is so lazy....the news has brought all countries into actions...with pressure being imposed on banks all overall world to sign agreement  of tax sharing info...n yes swiss bank rank first coz  of it rigidness to share info. now  since  all countries  hav been alarmed and  now checks  r being made....... our scam masterminds started  brainstorming again.....  n how is dat? 
well dats  bt bringing the black money back to bombay stock market....since  there  is  no norm of findin the original foreing  investors... all that swiss money has  started  coming  back and stock market has  risen remarkbly......hmmmmmm so  now  this  gives  yet another nightmare to our lethargic govt...that not only they hav to bringback the money and  look into scam...dey hav yet another task of stopping the inflow of money into stock market....... now what r v left wid is  wait and watch who wins.....
bt watevr might b the result....one thng is sure....dis  decade  has faced  corruption at its  best!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: go for kill!!

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: go for kill!!: "many a times...we might hav faced failure...sometimes we didnt put in enugh efforts...n sometimes our enough hard work was..."

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: go for kill!!

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: go for kill!!: "many a times...we might hav faced failure...sometimes we didnt put in enugh efforts...n sometimes our enough hard work was..."

go for kill!!

many a times...we might hav faced  failure...sometimes  we didnt put in enugh efforts...n sometimes our enough hard work  wasnt that enough......while the failed event is survivable...n for a matter of fact  failures  are  also bearable...bt what is  actually unbearable is being accussed of dat failure. yes havnt u ever given a thought  as to y we r afraid of nt winning?
ans1- it means end of world....naaa we know we know  dere is more to come
ans2- we cant achieve it ever........ no again hard work will one day definately tak us dere....

well the real ans is being accused of that failure......yes facng  ppl ..... n being accused of  nt making it....fear of "ohh what they will thnk of me " is the root  coz of y v r so afraid of failure. thnk of playng  cricket....losng match wont hurt as much as the "u such a loser" look by others will...... ya dere r times  wen ur near n dear ones  try to console u ...bt deep down v all hav fear  that one day or oder..... dey will accusse u of  thng  that wasnt  intentional ( i mean  no1 loves to b a loserfaterall)..... one day  they all tend to forget ur efforts, as for world it dsnt  count hw hard  u tried...what matters  is  r u in league or nt...r u winner or nt ( yeah  jo jita  wohi sicunder is actually true to world)...... n after that accusitions  what u r left wid is ... a still more shattered self.... n all dose  consolation seems  to fade out in just few seconds....  so wen we all know  dat dis has to happen...n wen we know  the tables  do turn up at some point of time..... that the accuser  will himself b an accussed  someday, the pointers  will themselves  will b pointed at someday and that after sometime  we all lie  in same plane....so should we  actually worry abt wat oders say?  should  we actually spend sleepless night thnkng  abt  what crime  hav i done  by losing?  should  we really bother abt being acussed by someone  who dsnt know  wat future has in store  for him /her? i dnt thnk so .. so get that fear  out  of urself...look ahaed.... the accussers dnt know  that failure  is  ladder to success....its  makes us aware of wat we lack  n helps  us  overcome our  flaws.....n as we know it.....charm of success is to rise  frm failure...... so go rise...go hav ur own rise of atlantis for the world  to see  and  only envy u........go for the kill......

*confessions- b4 writing this blog  i used to held  myself guilty  bt nt anymore... ;)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: go scrabble!!

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: go scrabble!!: "well remember there were times when we used to gather all together...nd played LUDO, snakes and ladder and scrabble all day long......with z..."

go scrabble!!

well remember there were times when we used to gather all together...nd played LUDO, snakes and ladder and scrabble all day long......with zing  as to who wins first ,,,,, or who reachs  finishng line first evn if it requires killing oppnent( i mean nt literally) bt den  came a storm of XBOX.. n PSPs.... which almost wiped  out these games of our life  just like...the million yrs ago..a comet wiped  out dinasaurs....well ocoarse  we cant bring back the dinasaurs...... bt the recent TVC by old school films productions...hav definitely brought about the genesis of  old  times SCRABBLE.  ofcoarse while many of us  in fraction of.  seconds  wud  get turned off by the name...bt the advertisement has managed to bring abt fun element and the smart quotient associated  with game.....
ofcoarse  al techno freaks wud strongly call it borng....n dat   the poor board game  stands now where as far as the 3d elemnt, graphics n virtual reality is concerned..... bt i wud  like to put forward a question to all of dem dat  what does  we get out of dat adrenaline rush racing games? wel i'll giv u the answer of  what exactly we  learn from them.... what we learn  is  violence...... social isolation...the loss of sensibility to distinguish b/w fantacy and reality ( i mean we  all know suicidal cases post shaktiman ) and ofcoarse landing  up being couch potatoe......hey hey hey ...b4  my opponents  gets  provoked.... i know  there is  smart technicals and multitaskng  associated  with dem ...... bt  luk at our scrabble....as the recent ad portrays it. where two identical twins  make an excuse for  being late...while  one gets  punishment  the oder manages  to fool trainer  by his word " clinomania" difficult word with simple meaning.... 
so what i m actually sayng here?  hmm the answer is  smart kids  play scrabble..... if  u r nt smart...u tend  to get smart while playng the game as it requires high level of brainstorming....n it also increases ur vocab, n ofcoarse its always fun to dodge ppl with ur IQ n hav ur way out, altleast i feel that it  is  cool. n i can say so becoz  we all know importance of vocab in todays  world n if  a game can give us fun way out to get familier with new  thngs...i thnk its  worth it..... n yes  ofcoarse since  its  in grp we get to b social...n also prove  ourselves to b  superior  to other through our  knowledge............
so for all u guys out dere...go scrabble!!

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: whats dere in "PINK"

genZ...... do it ur way!!!!: whats dere in "PINK": "i recently visited ambience mall...well wen i just got dere in my all casual dressing.... i realised that malls &nbs..."

whats dere in "PINK"

i recently visited  ambience mall...well wen i just got  dere in my all casual  dressing.... i realised  that malls  r none less than a a fashion platform, where evryone pretends  to b starlet( i mean  the" i own world attitude"). what i saw was evryone from a litle girl ...to a teenager...to matured lady...all were wrapped up in deir  prada fur coats , with gucci bag hanging on deir shoulders...n like all smoky eyes( to me its the  eyes  were  as if all dipped in kajal) no offence  to these  tat bit overdressed lasses....i mean  obviouly if u got it  ..fluant it.... ( here  i mean flaunting  their couture collection)  bt den stil there  was  monotone in colours...where  evryone were in deir  blacks n blues...until ofcoarse i saw a pink iguana standing out distictively in the crowd.....bt wen i actually got closer.. what i see is an all pink lass...... hey m nt exhaggerarting..thngs....but really dat girl was all pink...... from her flashy glitery pink dress, to pink gloss , to pink eye shadows, pink blush , pink hand bag, pink stole, nd if that was not enugh ... pink stelletoes...... i mean  wat was she  upto? (singing bebo main bebo") well not that her fashion quotient was  big disaster bt it seems  she  didnt even had senibilities of season wear... hmmm bt anyway  after my shocking  pink overdose....i landed into thnkng  wats in colour pink? n how much pink is pink enugh.........earlier dere  were days  where  grls  with pink lips,,,,, n pink cheeks...were  such a temptation to guys.....bt seems  that temptations  has  changed to obsession......so grls  leave no stone  unturned.......while that pink was  a natural pink...now we hav ofcoarse all macs  n lancome pink cheek tints for  all grls  who say "ohh i hav got that too"...  agreed  pink is a colour of feminism..... bt isnt that obsession really bringin that color in the dock! isnt it the reason y we typecasted men wearng pink as metrosexual n ocoarse genesis of term "pink collared job"  even type cast even work as women's work...just becoz of obsessive feminism associated to it...wen actually its just a color...i mean hello...dats insane ....y shud we typecast pink..... n y is dere such asn obsession with pink...isnt pink health n pink glow enugh...dat we hav to get into all pink mania....... just give a thought.....n lets  just take it as colour  n nt just a gynandric  color......thnk about it.......

new age single

well hey ...hi to all..for all dose who don't know me...i am smridhi...n yes  its nt samridhi , nor simridhi or smidhi ( well i hav to say it like dat coz ppl cant actually pronounce it) n if its  nt simple enugh...lets hust keep it to sim..:)
hmm well taking abt myself..i cum from engineering background...final sem , ..... bt as many of engineers  wud agree with me  life  sumtyms  gets boring n monotnous...while being occupied in all technostuff...n exams......so i found out a way out...to connect to ppl and share  my views....as my frnds call me loquacious.....i thought of takng his charecteristic of mine into somethng gud...n hence  here  i m ...landed to bloggng stuf.....

well my   title  wud  hav given u the idea...dat i m single( n those  who didnt got dat..well never mynd....i 'll help to brush up ur commmon sense...lols!).....  dis  blog  is  all abt fun n experiences  and life  of singlehood...and ofcoarse  the nt so gud  thng  of singlehood.....  hey  bt b4 u make up preconcieve notions  it isnt all abt drama  n stuff..its  abt new age thnkng , the new age sensibilities.... lifestyle  and prefereces...n  wat today's new age  youth is all abt .....
n ofcoarse all suggestions....ideas.... r welcumed.....

n if thats  nt enugh.... u can expect advice from me too....as to hw to dump ur bf /or gf.... n stuff.....lols!!  hey its a free world  u know.......  so yap  lookng forward  to all.....
ciao  hav fun